Monday, June 2, 2008

In a circle

It hurts. I feel the pain.
The pain, of not being self-pwned.
Its been quite awhile since anything major has come up, besides the whole password thingy.
Maybe I'm just not up to the challenge, the responsibility of being a super-self-pwner.
My wise computer once told me "With great power comes great pwnage." but I feel that it no longer applies to me.
And no, don't ask me to ask my computer again. I reformatted his(Yes HIS, got a problem?) hard drive after attaining 50-or-so viruses... Ahh, the good ol' self-pwns.
I would pass my glorious mantle down the line of my heirs, if I had any. There just aren't enough self-pwners these days..
I could give the title and responsibility of "King Pwnt" to my dear friend Sudhan, also known as "Sudi, lord and conqueror of all that is good and righteous in this world, supreme Harry Potter Movie hater, Emperor of all that is unholy and sarcastic, and herald of the freak-gods", but doesn't it seem like he already has a tad bit too many things?
Ahh, oh well, it seems like the superpower known as "Pwntageous Maximus" is set to die with me, unless my self-pwnage senses come alive again...
Ooo, I didn't notice, its raining now! Perfect weather for a gloomy day.. (insert sniffling sounds here)
Oh god, I didn't close my windows. AGAIN. This is screwed up, now my floor is all wet. Another day in the life of the Self-Pwner, I guess. Curse you blogs for making me wet my floor.
Wait a sec...*raised eyebrow*
I LIVE! >=D Beware! The Self-Pwner lives, AGAIN!!!!!!!!!

Biggest self pwnage ever.

I just rediscovered my blog. Wow.
And so I thought I'd put some stuff in it, you know, for the sake of blogging.
But then, the unthinkable(and awfully expected) happened;
And so I was like, "Awww fishies, no blogging for me."
Classification--> Uber pwnt. Grade A.
In other words, I fail magnificently. So magnificently that my magnificence shines like a thousand broken light bulbs~

So in the mean time, I thought you "pee-pals" might like a glimpse at the old self-pwn blog.
Here ya go
So, thats it, the latest report of self-pwnage brought to you by yours truly,
Self-Pwn Jon.