Monday, June 2, 2008

Biggest self pwnage ever.

I just rediscovered my blog. Wow.
And so I thought I'd put some stuff in it, you know, for the sake of blogging.
But then, the unthinkable(and awfully expected) happened;
And so I was like, "Awww fishies, no blogging for me."
Classification--> Uber pwnt. Grade A.
In other words, I fail magnificently. So magnificently that my magnificence shines like a thousand broken light bulbs~

So in the mean time, I thought you "pee-pals" might like a glimpse at the old self-pwn blog.
Here ya go
So, thats it, the latest report of self-pwnage brought to you by yours truly,
Self-Pwn Jon.

1 comment:

Yvonne said...

Ah don't worry. I forgot my password ALL the time. And thus I have to go through the whole "Forgot your password? Click here." process for a zillion times. Why don't you click that link instead? At least you don't have to set up a new blog again.

And I know it's too late to ask this, what in the world is "self-pawn"?? You seem to love that phrase a LOT.